Lille Metropole

where Northwest Europe meets


Where north western Europe meets

Lille Metropole is perfectly situated at the crossroad of Northwest Europe, between Brussels (35min by train), Paris (1h) and London (1h20) and within 3 to 4 hours from Amsterdam, Strasbourg or Frankfurt. This ideal position, at the heart of a rich and densely populated (80 M people) basin represents a huge economical asset.

A cross-border eurometropolis

Sharing 86 km of border with its Belgian neighbour makes Lille Metropole an essential partner, as evidenced by the Lille-Kortrijk-Tournai Eurometropole, the first  and largest EGTC (European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation) in Europe with 2.1 million inhabitants.

A large urban and rural metropole

Lille Metropole encompasses 95 municipalities and 1.2 million inhabitants, in a territory both rural and urban, made up of cities like Lille (230,000 inhabitants), Roubaix and Tourcoing (100,000 each) and smaller towns and villages. This broad diversity of territories confronts the metropolitan authority with a variety of challenges regarding urban development, land use and environmental protection, employment and social inclusion, housing, mobility, food or culture.

Map Lille Metropole location
Lille Metropole EU office

About us

Since 2017, Lille Metropole EU Office has been connecting Lille Metropole administration, municipalities and local partners with the EU Institutions, and the whole Brussels EU bubble: city networks, thematic EU representations, European cities and regions EU offices.  

Our missions

Make the link between Lille Metropole and the European Institutions

Promote Lille Metropole's territory on the European scale

Coordinate and animate European networks

Foster European partnerships