Le 05/11/2024

Lille Metropole launches its « Water funding » call for proposals

This call for proposals is a reflection of Lille Metropole’s commitment to the ecological transition and active involvement in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

On a local level, Lille Metropole is involved throughout the water cycle as part of its drinking water and wastewater remit: production and distribution of drinking water, collection and treatment of wastewater, stormwater management and preservation of the natural environment are the complementary areas of activity in which Lille Metropole is involved on a daily basis, serving 1.2 million consumers. However, beyond the management of water on a local scale, Lille Metropole is keen to demonstrate its ability and willingness to take part in the flourishment of international water-related projects.

Indeed, one of the challenges of Lille Metropole’s Strategic Project for the Economic Transformation of the Territory (PSTET) is to strengthen the attractiveness of the metropolitan area through the deployment of international partnerships around the major challenges of the ecological transition. In order to play an active role in these major transitions and in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Lille Metropole is taking action on water issues in particular. In this context, Lille Metropole has launched a call for proposals for international projects led by local NGOs in the field of access to water. Through the use of this fund, Lille Metropole wishes to position itself as a financial lever for other financial backers, who can then be asked to co-finance these various actions (such as water agencies or the French Development Agency, AFD). To guarantee sustainability, the projects must offer intangible support to local institutions (capacity-building; increasing local skills) and the local population (hygiene education, training and awareness-raising).


What are the conditions to apply ?

- Applicants must be a legal NGO entity (as recognised by the 1901 french law) and must have their headquarters based in the Lille Metropolitan area.

- Applicants must have been legally established for at least one year on the date they submit their application, and must be directly responsible for the project presented.

The application form is available here, and the deadline for submission is the 24th of February 2025.