The National Meetings on Mobility Management 2022: a major event in Lille Metropole

Le 11/07/2022

The National Meetings on Mobility Management 2022: a major event in Lille Metropole

More than 200 people gathered in Lille Metropole on June 21 and 22 2022 to discuss challenges of tomorrow's mobility during the National Meetings on Mobility Management (RNMM).

Cerema, ADEME, the National Center of the Territorial Public Service (CNFPT) and Lille Metropole organized the ninth RNMM in the heart of Lille Metropole, a territory strongly influenced by cross-border mobility and European challenges.

During a round table discussion on the role of mobility management policies in the fight against climate change and energy crisis, Ms. Isabelle Andrivon, Deputy Director General of the Networks, Services, Mobility and Transport Division at Lille Metropole highlighted the importance of supporting behavioral change. Lille Metropole’s mobility Plan intends to shape peoples’ behavior by setting up measures such as ecobonus and a low emission zone (LEZ). Lille Metropole’s mobility plan adopted on June 24 2022 aims to meet the goals of Lille Metropole's SECAP voted in February 2021. The plan will organize the transportation of people and goods, traffic and parking, as well as the actions to be implemented for all modes of travel. The objective, by 2035, is to rebalance modes of travel by deploying low environmental impact soft mobility and reducing the use of the car. Lille Metropole’s Mobility Plan is part of a strong "decarbonization" of mobility by 2035, notably through the promotion of alternatives to car use by developing walking, cycling and public transportation or carpooling.

Alongside Lille Metropole, the European Commission, the Ministry of Ecological Transition (DGITM), the European network POLIS and the European Platform on Mobility Management were also represented.
The RNMM is the national reference event for mobility management. It is an event open to all: local authorities, government departments, associations, experts, researchers, universities, companies and start-ups. The 2022 edition featured contributions from public and private practitioners on the latest trends in mobility management, particularly in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic and the energy crisis. It also addressed the necessary adaptations targeting the demand for mobility to achieve the energy and environmental transition of our travel.

The 2022 edition was organized in the framework of the French Presidency of the European Union and have sought to open up to foreign feedback, including from Belgium and Switzerland. The Belgian Ministry of Transport presented the initiatives deployed on the territory to encourage companies to support their employees in changing their behavior. For instance switching from the private car to an alternative mode of travel. One of the initiative has been the introduction of bicycle allowances.