Lille Metropole: a territory involved in the Olympic Games thanks to the "Land of Games 2024" label

Le 11/07/2022

Lille Metropole: a territory involved in the Olympic Games thanks to the "Land of Games 2024" label

Lille Metropole is one of the territory that will host Olympic Games in 2024! The territory has already been promoting the Games for months through the “Land of Games 2024” label.

In 2024, France will host the Olympic Games. From now on, "Land of Games 2024" wishes to create a dynamic. The aim of this label is to instill the spirit of the games and to promote sport throughout France. All actors who wish to promote the practice of daily sports can receive the award. Oxyg'Hem joined the "Land of Games 2024" community to contribute to the development of Paris 2024's convictions that articulate cohesion and inclusion.

Oxyg'Hem is a sport event organized every year since 1997. On Thursday, May 26 2022, more than 1300 runners of all ages took part in the different courses (1.5, 5 or 10 km). As any other edition, the 25th edition of Oxyg'Hem took place in Hem, one of Lille Metropole’s municipalities.

Several activities on the fringes of the race were also organized. For example, before and after the 10 km race, professionals lead a warm-up and stretching session as well as a costume challenge.

Oxyg'Hem is also a solidarity event. Organizers donate a part of fee registration to an association. The association supported this year is Jeun'Espoir, which works with hospitalized children.

Beyond sport events, it is also possible for municipalities to obtain the label. Within Lille Metropole, the cities of Lille, Villeneuve d'Ascq, Mons-en-Baroeul, Roubaix, Ronchin, Wattignies and Marcq-en-Baroeul received the label “Land of Games 2024” like 500 other French cities.