Lille Metropole’s mobility plan: an ambitious path towards mobility transition
Lille Metropole mobility plan for the period 2022-2035 will replace the urban travel plan adopted in april 2011. It will establish the orientation of the metropolitan mobility policy for the next 15 years. It aims to meet the goals of Lille Metropole's SECAP voted in February 2021. The plan will organize the transportation of people and goods, traffic and parking, as well as the actions to be implemented for all modes of travel. The objective, by 2035, is to rebalance modes of travel by deploying low environmental impact soft mobility and reducing the use of the car. In short, the aim is to promote zero-emission mobility.
In concrete terms, Lille Metropole is pursuing several objectives in drawing up the mobility plan. First, in terms of cycling, Lille Metropole aims to become a "cycling metropolis" by modifying the layout of public spaces to encourage cycling. Lille Metropole also wishes to respond to the challenges of the ecological transition by developing spaces dedicated to bicycles but also to electric and rechargeable hybrid vehicles. In this context, Lille Metropole wishes to increase the number of charging points from 400 to 4000 by 2025.
As far as MaaS is concerned, the ambition is to guide users towards modes of transport with a low environmental impact by relying on digital tools. At the same time, Lille Metropole wants to initiate a change in mobility behavior. By raising awarness on soft mobilities, the national meetings on mobility management in June 2022 will aim to do so. Lille Metropole also intends to encourage an increase in the modal share of walking while increasing the modal share of other alternatives to the car used "alone", including car-sharing. The metropolitan strategy for the development of car-sharing therefore includes the deployment of new services, in particular a "LILLE METROPOLE AUTOLIBRE SERVICE" stations, dedicated to the fleet of Citiz car-sharing company and other companies who would settle in the city.
Finally, the mobility plan aims to reduce the impact of goods transport by optimizing deliveries in the city, increasing the use of alternatives to road transport and supporting local actors in the energy transition (in particular in connection with the EPZ project).
In short, the future Mobility Plan is part of a strong "decarbonization" of mobility by 2035, notably through the promotion of alternatives to car use by developing walking, cycling and public transport or carpooling. It will be submitted for adoption to the Council in June 2022. This mobility plan is complementary to the master plan for transport infrastructures (SDIT) approved in June 2020, which aims to build 5 new tramway lines and 2 bus lines with a high level of service by 2035 for a total investment of €2.5 billion.