Lille Metropole joins the NEB-Friends Community

Le 10/07/2023

Lille Metropole joins the NEB-Friends Community

In April, Lille Metropole officially joined the New European Bauhaus (NEB) Community of Friends.

Launched in September 2020, the New European Bauhaus (NEB) initiative aims to connect the European Green Deal to our daily lives and living spaces. With its 3 core principles – beautiful, sustainable and together – « it calls on all Europeans to imagine and build together a sustainable and inclusive future that is beautiful for our eyes, minds and souls ». (

Keen on getting more deeply involved in the NEB initiative, Lille Metropole applied last April to become a member of the NEB Community of Friends. Joining 144 other companies and public actors like regions, villages and cities, the Metropole pledged through its membership to adhere to environmental and social responsibilities, as well as to promote the core European values and priorities.

Successfully enrolled in the community, Lille Metropole will now be involved in supporting it and become a key interlocutor for the initiative among +500 official partners. This application is indeed the continuation of the previous NEB-related events organized by Lille Metropole :

  • The NEB seminar hosted in February 2022 to inform our partners about the NEB concept and encourage potential partnerships and projects between them,
  • A side-event in the framework of the 1st NEB festival in June 2022, co-organized in Brussels with Hauts-de-France Region and other European partners.

This win-win exchange will bring exposure to Lille Metropole’s NEB-related activities, as well as granting an access to a wide set of informations and working sessions. The NEB Friend position also allows the access to a networking and community building paltform, to facilitate knowledge sharing and peer-to-peer learning.

Stay tuned to get informed about our future NEB initiatives.

New European Bauhaus
New European Bauhaus
New European Bauhaus