Our Priorities

Former most industrialized city in France, Lille Metropole is clearly on the path to a stronger transition to a more sustainable development based on environment and climate issues, digitalisation and innovation, social policies, with a new attention to the voice of citizen through participatory and co-creative design of public policies. Added to regional policy, these 4 themes are the main priority fields of work of Lille Metropole EU Office in Brussels

Environmental policy
Lille Metropole aims to develop a green and sustainable living environment for its 1.2 million citizens, and is therefore very committed into environmental policies. Lille Metropole implemented several innovative policies, such as its climate budget: In 2021, Lille Metropole will be one of the first French cities to adopt this climate budget which includes different indicators evaluating Lille Metropole spendings' environmental impact.

Social policy is one of Lille Metropole top-priority of as it is an important medium for improving the living conditions of its citizens. Thanks to its competencies in housing, employment or youth policies, Lille Metropole can act in order to mitigate social inequities and reduce urban poverty.

Economy, digital & innovation
Thanks to its science & technology parks of excellence specialized in very strategic areas - such as Euratechnologies, the biggest digital hub in France; Lille Metropole is one of the most innovative territory of the country. Therefore, Lille Metropole EU Office is very committed in these subjects and works with its European colleagues to make the territory more and more attractive as well as to share and learn every interesting good practice.

Citizenship & Design
Lille Metropole is World Design Capital for 2020, thanks to its innovative vision of design in the making of public policies. Throughout the year, Lille Metropole will showcase hundreds of Proof of Concepts (POC), demonstrating the talent and effervescence of the territory's makers.
Another proof of Lille Metropole pioneering vision of public policy design is the importance of co-creative and participatory processes in the construction of public policy in the Metropole. Indeed, for several years the local public authority has developed several tools to increase citizen participation in local governance.