Lille Metropole & the European Union

Lille Metropole has been strongly committed in the European project for many years.
Its designation as the European Capital of Culture for 2004 triggered off a new cultural, economic and social momentum enhancing its long industrial transition.
A solid cross-border cooperation with its Belgium neighbours, embodied since 2009 by Lille / Kortrijk / Tournai Eurometropole, the management of a large ERDF funded ITI (integrated territorial investment), or its partnership in different European projects (Civitas, Interreg, Erasmus +, UIA, ...) are strong signals of its European commitment,
In 2018, with the creation of its permanent delegation to the EU in Brussels in order to represent Lille Metropole interests to the European Union, Lille Metropole extends its European influence.
2.1 millions inhabitants
37 Millions € - ITI
managed by Lille Metropole
15 European projects
since 2014
Cohesion policy in Lille Metropole

Lille Metropole European Territorial Cooperation

As part of the Haut-de-France transition region, Lille Metropole substantially benefits from the European cohesion policy, which funds numerous innovative projects to be implemented in the urban territory through ERDF. Furthermore, Lille Metropole is managing authority for the Integrated Territorial Investments (ITI), which allows Lille Metropole to efficiently act on its most deprived neighbourhoods.
Lille Metropole is situated at the crossroad of North western Europe, which helps the metropolitan region to actively cooperate with its Belgian, Dutch, German and British neighbours, by means of territorial cooperation programmes such as Interreg or the European Grouping for territorial cooperation Lille-Kortrijk-Tournai Eurometropole . This broad range of European territorial cooperation allows Lille metropole to benefit from its neighbours experience, share its own good practices and co-produce innovative projects in various fields, such as job creation, employment, innovation, security, design or green and blue crossborder corridors.
Lille Metropole European Networks

Lille Metropole EU Office

In order to learn from the best European experiences , to share our good practices with cities, and to contribute to make cities voices heard by EU Institutions, Lille metropole is part of several European networks
Since 2018, Lille Metropole EU Office has been connecting Lille Metropole administration, municipalities and local partners with the EU Institutions, and the whole Brussels EU bubble: city networks, thematic EU representations, European cities and regions EU offices.