Eurasanté, the health cluster in northern France, deeply European
Thanks to its experienced project managers, Eurasanté assists researchers, startups, and businesses to develop their innovations and projects, boosting their business and networks.
Eurasanté runs the Eurasanté Bio-Incubator and Bio-Accelerator specialized in health. Its programs are opened to worldwide entrepreneurs and start-ups that are willing to establish a meaningful presence in the North of France region. It is ranked among the top 25 best European incubators fostering pharm/biotech start-up development (2021 ranking Labiotech.eu).
The Eurasanté Bio-Science and technology Park (300 hectares) dedicated to cutting-edge activities in the health sector and located at the heart of the largest university hospital campus in Europe (170 hectares) gathers :
- 190 companies mainly in the field of drugs and biotechnologies with 3600 employees
- 8 hospitals gathering 16 000 employees
- 4 faculties with 20 000 students
- 50 laboratories with 1800 researchers
Eurasanté Bio-business Park’s proximity to Lille University Hospital research laboratories fosters the emergence of innovative activities in the health sector. It offers a unique opportunity for numerous companies to grow while benefiting from the services of internationally renowned technological platforms available on the campus.
To offer innovative solutions for patients and healthcare professionals, companies and academic laboratories need to work more closely together.
For these reasons, Eurasante, the economic development agency in Healthcare and the cluster Clubster Nutrition Health Longevity decided, fifteen years ago, to organise regular European-scale meetings bringing together these key players (nearly 3,000 participants each year). They help to place Lille Metropole, France and Europe in the forefront of research and innovation areas in health.
These events cover 4 main activities: a business convention, specialised conferences, presentations of start-ups, innovative projects and / or products and an exhibition.
- Life Sciences
- MedTech, Diagnostic, Digital Health
- Healthy ageing
- Food, Nutrition, Human and Animal Health
Moreover, Eurasanté has been involved in more than 15 European projects at the end of 2020, such as H2020 and Interreg, allowing the growth and the creation of solid links with more than 117 partners from 13 European countries. It also allows to set up public-private collaborations at the European level helping the actors from our territory to develop internationally. ie:
- The MAT(T)ISSE project (Interreg France-Wallonia-Flanders) which aims to develop a new bioresorbable and personalized breast prosthesis to improve breast reconstruction after mastectomy;
- The Horizon Europe Peer 2 scale Health project which is a peer learning action between four regional agencies acting as clusters. The project is focusing on actions to assess the quality of the partners’ services to heath entrepreneurs, SMEs and start-ups, to deliver a Design Options Paper explaining the applied methodology, achieved results and how to engage health innovation agencies and ecosystems in a peer-learning action.
Eurasanté is also involved in several projects to support start-ups and SMEs from our territory to go international.