To strengthen access to culture and reading, Lille Metropole is supporting municipalities in their digital transformation with the creation of an online media library.

Le 28/11/2023

To strengthen access to culture and reading, Lille Metropole is supporting municipalities in their digital transformation with the creation of an online media library.

Lille Metropole just provided a new service to its inhabitants : an online library where you can read the press, enjoy a serie or access online training.

Enjoying a book, but make it 2023!

Lille Metropole just provided a new service to its inhabitants : an online library where you can read the press, enjoy a serie or access online training.

Lille Metropole benefits from a dense network of libraries, with 125 establishments on its territory. To strengthen access to culture and reading, Lille Metropole is supporting municipalities in their digital transformation with the creation of an online media library.

This service, developed in collaboration with the region's libraries, is not limited to borrowing or consulting books online. You can also access training courses, watch a film or series, read the press or a magazine...

To access this free platform, all you need to do is subscribe to one of the region's libraries. You can visit the online library here.