Lille Metropole’s producer notebook : a single place to list all farmers who sell directly to citizens in the metropolitan area
With almost half of its territory cultivated, Lille Metropole is the most agricultural metropole in France. Agriculture is a major asset for the people of the metropolitan area: as well as being the vector of a high-quality living environment, with its role in structuring the landscape and preserving resources, it is a genuine source of economic development.
Lille Metropole’s peri-urban agriculture, located at the gateway to the city, also responds to strong social expectations in terms of food and offers the opportunity to create new synergies between residents and producers. Many producers have opted to sell their produce directly to the public, ensuring that local produce is available throughout the Lille Metropolitan area. It is this local dynamic, based on local distribution channels, that Lille Metropole wishes to encourage. Bringing urban and rural areas closer together, supporting and raising the profile of farmers, who are real economic players in Lille Metropole, promoting local quality products, creating direct links between producers and local residents - this is the spirit behind the Lille Metropole producers' booklet! All local producers are invited and encouraged to sign up to the notebook, and all citizens are encouraged to use it !
In order to promote local food channels, Lille Metropole has drawn up a document listing farmers who sell directly in the metropolitan area: farm sales, markets, sales in baskets, pick-your-own produce, collective sales outlets, online sales, etc. The 2024 edition includes 20 new addresses! There is also a special page dedicated to collective sales outlets and AMAP (Associations pour le maintien d'une agriculture paysanne) distribution points. An AMAP is a partnership between a group of consumers and one or more farmers. AMAPs generally have premises where food is delivered, either at the farm or near members' homes. You can check out the booklet at the following link.
On a European scale, Lille Metropole works together with several partners on better regulation, better access to funding and better knowledge sharing within the urban agenda on food, coordinated by the Metropoles of Milan and Lisbon. More information on that here.