Lille Metropole Territorial Cooperation

Lille Metropole is situated at the crossroad of North western Europe, which helps the metropolitan region to actively cooperate with its Belgian, Dutch, German and British neighbours, by means of territorial cooperation programmes such as Interreg, ESPON, or the European Grouping for territorial cooperation Lille-Kortrijk-Tournai Eurometropole . This broad range of European territorial cooperation allows Lille metropole to benefit from its neighbours experience, share its own good practices and co-produce innovative projects in various fields, such as job creation, employment, innovation, security, design or green and blue crossborder corridors.
EGTC Lille-Kortrijk-Tournai Eurometropole
The Lille-Kortrijk-Tournai Eurometropole is one of the very first European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC) that was created in 2008.
This 3,589km²-wide area consisting in 157 French, Walloon and Flemish municipalities, with 2.1 millions inhabitants, results from a cooperation between 14 national, regional and local authorities in France and Belgium in order to strengthen the collaboration between these three border towns.
The Eurometropole embeds numerous actions in the fields of economic development, climate and energy, education, mobility, ... , such as the development of a cross-border network of "digital actors", the promotion of cross-border jobs, the organisation of crossboarder multi-site cultural events or the quality management of our common groundwater table.

Interreg France-Wallonie-Vlaanderen (FWV)
Lille metropole shares 86 kilometres of common border with Belgium, making it one of its prominent partner, as evidenced by Interreg France-Wallonie-Vlaanderen. This programme falls within the ambition to expand social and economic exchanges between 4 important cross-border regions : Hauts-de-France and Grand-Est regions in France together with Wallonie and Eastern and Western Flanders in Belgium.
Several projects have been developed under the scope of Interreg France-Wallonie-Vlaanderen such as :
- Fast to Market: facilitating cross-border market access for new businesses.
- TEC!: action plan to protect local biodiversity.
- ALARM FWV: enhancing cross-border cooperation between civil security services.
- VALYS: cross-border strategy to coordinate management of the Lys Valley.
- TRIPOD-II: enhance SMEs competitiveness on new markets through design.
- NICIVALYS: cross-border platforms networks for stork nesting.

Interreg North-West Europe (NWE)
Interreg North-West Europe involves northern France, Belgium, Ireland, the UK as well as western Germany and western Netherlands, cooperating together in order to tackle the issues encountered by one of the most dynamic area of Europe.
Lille metropole is part of the EYES project, that aims to develop a collaborative and inclusive way to insert young NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) in the labour market.

Interreg 2 Seas
Interreg 2 seas is a programme covering England, France, the Netherlands and Belgium (Flanders), with the objective to develop an innovative, sustainable and inclusive cooperation area.
Lille metropole participates in the BISEPS project that aspires to support companies in their efforts to reduce carbon emission.