Lille Metropole EU Office

Since 2017, Lille Metropole EU Office is connecting Lille Metropole administration, municipalities and local partners with the EU Institutions as well as the whole Brussels EU bubble: city networks, thematic EU representations, European cities and regions EU offices.
Our missions:
- To promote Lille metropole, its assets and projects to the EU
- To promote EU affairs (programs, legislation, …) within Lille Metropole
- To initiate partnerships with other European cities and regions
- To contribute to influence EU policies and advocate Lille Metropole position through our networks
Our main activities:
- To develop contacts within EU institutions and EU affairs networks
- To initiate partnership projects with cities and regions
- To organise workshops, conferences, peer to peer meetings, …
- To search for EU panellists for our events in Lille
- To monitor EU legislation, programs and funding
+ 150
Meetings with EU Institutions
+ 30
Public speakings
+ 120
participations to working groups
Contact Us
In order to efficiently carry out its actions, Lille metropole EU office team is divided in several strategical themes.
Wim DE JAEGER Head of Office tel : + 32 2 739 63 93 |
Juliette CHARPIN Policy Officer tel : + 32 2 739 63 94 |

Lille Metropole EU Office has developed a bimonthly newsletter for all its European partners to be informed about our European initiatives and get inspired by the innovative policies carried out in the territory.
Subscribe here.